
Winter Camp Registration

  • Winter Camp Registration

  • Child Information

  • Pick a Date
  • As per our safety protocol, every camper MUST wear a Gan Israel Winter Camp sweatshirt to every trip.
    Sweatshirt - $25

  • Letting us know before camp about your child’s behavior needs and challenges will help us prepare properly for your child’s success in camp. Failure to let camp know about existing behavior challenges may need to result in dismissal from camp

  • Pick a Date
  • As per our safety protocol, every camper MUST wear a Gan Israel Winter Camp beanie or a sweatshirt to every trip. We recommend having both as an option for your child, as clothing requirements vary per trip. 

    Sweatshirt - $25
    Beanie - $10

  • Letting us know before camp about your child’s behavior needs and challenges will help us prepare properly for your child’s success in camp. Failure to let camp know about existing behavior challenges may need to result in dismissal from camp

  • Pick a Date
  • As per our safety protocol, every camper MUST wear a Gan Israel Winter Camp beanie or a sweatshirt to every trip. We recommend having both as an option for your child, as clothing requirements vary per trip. 

    Sweatshirt - $25
    Beanie - $10

  • Letting us know before camp about your child’s behavior needs and challenges will help us prepare properly for your child’s success in camp. Failure to let camp know about existing behavior challenges may need to result in dismissal from camp

  • Parents Information

  • Emergency Contact Information

  • I hereby give permission for my child to participate in all activities and trips both on and off of ARIEL Jewish Center property.

    I give permission for my child to be photographed while participating in all activities and for photos to be posted online. 

    As the parent and or legal guardian of the above child, I authorize any adult acting on behalf of Camp Gan Israel Winter Camp and the ARIEL Jewish Center to hospitalize or secure treatment for my child. I further agreed to pay all charges for that care and or treatment. It is understood that if time and circumstance reasonably permit, ARIEL personnel will attempt all means of contact to the parent/guardian of the child before such treatment, although ARIEL is not required to do so.

  • Thank you for registering! Our office will be in contact with you shortly regarding payment.

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